Fibre Cross Connects to Liquidity, Market Data, Technology, and Risk Management Providers.
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Speed matters when it comes to your network’s performance. Don’t risk losing customers due to lagging, high-latency connections. Liquidity Connects Low Latency Cross Connects allows you to get ultra low latency network connections through our ideally located Equinix Datacenters and streamline your business growth.
See information about LIQC's broker hosting, infrastructure services, connectivity services and latency.
We design complete MetaTrader MT4 / MT5 Server Hosting solutions, including: Trade Servers, Backup Servers, Demo Servers, MT4 Data Centers, MT5 Access Servers, Cross Connects to your providers, DDoS Mitigation with offsite scrubbing, and Broker VPS Program for your retail customers. Click here for more details.
Our network is cross-connected to the Alibaba CEN, enabling us to provide low latency MT4 Data Centers / MT5 Access Servers across EMEA, Asia, and Australia. Mainland China locations include local peering. This dedicated bandwidth eliminates the public internet, eliminates packet loss, and bypasses the Great Firewall of China (GFW). Click here for more details.